About the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences

Welcome to the official website of the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences, a learned body dedicated to the advancement of the forensic sciences. Founded in 1967 by the late Oscar Schmalzbach, the Academy is unique in bringing together persons of professional standing from the legal, medical and scientific professions whom have contributed to the advancement or practice of forensic science.

Membership is by invitation, however we encourage professional persons with an interest in becoming a member to make contact if they do not personally know a member through which we may facilitate consideration of membership. The Academy currently holds four meetings a year in Sydney and meetings are also held in Melbourne and Canberra. The Academy also promotes research and publishes the Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences.

Upcoming Events

AAFS Plenary Session

AAFS Plenary Session: Thursday 27 February 2025 at 6pm.  Location: The Union University & Schools Club, 25 Bent Street (Cnr Phillip St), Sydney, NSW 2000 Title: A Cocktail of Confusion: An Exp...

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