Past Grant Recipients

Oscar Rivers Schmalzbach Foundation – Grant Recipients (1993 – 2004) Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences

The following projects have been supported by the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences:

1993 Dr Brett NEILAN, University of NSW, Human DNA Fingerprinting from Limited Biological Samples using DNA Amplification Technology, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences Vol 26 pages 47-55 1994

1994 Professor BEUMONT, Professor TOUYZ, Dr J RUSSELL, Dr R GRIFFITHS, University of Sydney, The Role of Guardianship Legislation in the Treatment of Anorexia Patients in NSW, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences Vol 28 pages 35-38 1996

1995 Dr WOOD, Dr BRECKNELL, Ms MacGREGOR, University of Queensland, Soil Accumulation of Tissue by Products Associated with Body Decomposition, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences Vol 28 pages 67-71 1996

1996 Shared with the 1995 project and Ms Martine POWELL, Monash University, Children’s Eyewitness Memory, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences Vol 31 No 2

1997 Dr Catherine BERGLUND, University of NSW, and Associate Professor John DEVEREUX, University of Tasmania, Consent to medical treatment: Children making decisions for others, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences Vol 32 No 1

1998 Professor Kevin McCONKEY, School of Psychology, The University of New South Wales, Maximising confessions to crime

1999 Environmental Biology Department of the University of Adelaide (Chief Investigator Dr JF WALLMAN), Larval taxonomy of forensically-important blowflies

2000 No award given

2001 Ms Jae GERHARD, Australian Federal Police, DNA analysis of human nail material

2002 Professor John G CLEMENT, Ms Sherie A BLACKWELL, Oral Anatomy, University of Melbourne, 3-D non-contact morphometric comparisons of human dentitions with simulated human bite marks

2003 Dr Shari FORBES and Associate Professor Ian DADOUR, Centre for Forensic Sciences, University of Western Australia, Time Since Death: A Novel Approach to Dating Skeletal Remains

2004 Professor Maciej HENNEBERG and Dr Nilanaga GUNAWARDANE, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Adelaide, and Dr Steve DONNELLAN, Evolutionary Biology Unit, South Australia Museum, Impact of environmental exposure on the quality of DNA profiling of tissue in forensic and archaeological settings

2021 Dr Steven Michielsen:  Effect of fabric finishes on the formation of blood stains on textiles and Dr Duncan Taylor:  Using machine learning to improve PCR.