Membership of the Academy is open to such persons as in the opinion of Council by reason on their professional standing or special knowledge and their integrity have contributed or are likely to contribute to the advancement, application and practices of the forensic sciences.
Membership of the Academy consists of ordinary members, honorary life members and corresponding members.
The Academy includes leading members from the professions of law and medicine as well as leading scientists, sociologists, police officers and government officials.
Membership of the Academy is by invitation only; however, persons with suitable qualifications who are interested in being considered for election to the Academy should contact the Secretary* or a member known to them to make enquiries.
Member have full voting rights at the Annual General Meeting of the Academy, participate in the meetings, conferences and plenary sessions of the Academy, and may also invite guests to such Academy gatherings.
Members pay an annual subscription charge which includes the cost of a complimentary copy of the current issues of the Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences and free electronic access to past issues of the journal via the member portal.
For membership information, please contact:
AAFS Secretariat